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Recent Media Appearances

Many of Dr. Loehr's most valuable insights can be learned from his recent media appearances.

Dr. Schwartz is one of the preeminent founders of positive psychology. Visit the link below to read the review.

"This sport performance trailblazer holds both masters and doctorate degrees in psychology. We are honored to welcome this gracious icon to this episode of Intrinsic Drive®."

A Breakthrough Insight for Competitive Athletes and Teams

Whether you are aware of it or not, every athlete possesses an inner coaching voice, an advisor that plays a central role in where they end up in life, in their competitive success, in their happiness and fulfillment in life, and in what kind of person they ultimately become.

This podcast teaches you how to become acutely aware of the tone and content of your current inner voice, and explains how you can transform it into a wise, inner-coach, capable of successfully guiding you through trials of great adversity.

Visit the PODCAST HOMEPAGE or listen below.

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